Tradesman Trainee - Fitter,Electrician and Attendant Operator Chemical Plant Jobs in IREL

Tradesman Trainee - Fitter,Electrician and Attendant Operator Chemical Plant Jobs in IREL

Indian Rare Earths Limited (IREL) 
Government of India
Advt. No. CO/HRM/26/2024 
Invites applications for the post of Tradesman Trainee

Tradesman Trainee job description:

Indian Rare Earths Limited (IREL) has invited online applications from eligible candidates for Tradesman Trainee vacancies. Candidates who are waiting for the Across India Government Jobs can use this notification and apply online for IREL Recruitment 2024. Interested candidates can apply for IREL Jobs on or before the last date of application.

Post:Tradesman Trainee

Vacancy  :Tradesman Trainee (ITI)-Fitter  46
Tradesman Trainee (ITI)-Electrician 16
Tradesman Trainee (ITI)- Attendant Operator Chemical Plant (AOCP) 05
Total  67

Age :35 Years 

Pay scale :Rs.20,000-88000/- per month 
Tradesman Trainee - Fitter,Electrician and Attendant Operator Chemical Plant Jobs in IREL

Tradesman Trainee Qualification & experience : 

Tradesman Trainee(ITI)  Fitter / Electrician : ITI / NAC in Fitter / Electrician   Two years’ experience in the relevant Trade/ Discipline in a reputed Industrial Establishment including on the Job Training - Apprenticeship training, if any.  For Electrician Trade: Valid statutory licence is essential. 
Tradesman Trainee(ITI)  Attendant Operator - Chemical Plant : ITI/NAC in Attendant Operator (Chemical Plant)  or +(plus) 2 Science (Intermediate/Higher Secondary) with Chemistry as one of the subjects & 50% marks in aggregate   Two years’ experience in operation of Chemical and allied Process Industry including apprenticeship training, if any.  
Tradesman Trainee Selection Process :  

The Selection will be based on Written Test/Skill Test/Trade Test/Psychometric Test/Computer Based Test.

Important Dates for Tradesman Trainee Recruitment:  

Opening date and time for online registration and submission of application 23 February 2024 (14:00 HRS)

Closing date and time for online submission of application 15 March 2024 (14:00 HRS) 

Click here for Apply Online

Click here for official notification
