ITI Welder,Electrician,Fitter,Electronic Mechanic,Motor Mechanic and Auto Electrician Jobs in Northern Coalfields Limited

ITI Welder,Electrician,Fitter,Electronic Mechanic,Motor Mechanic and Auto Electrician Jobs in Northern Coalfields Limited

Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL)
Government of India
Invites applications for the post of Trade Apprentices

Trade Apprentices job description:

Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) has released an Official Notification for the posts of 1140 Trade Apprentices Vacancy under the Apprentice Act 1961 from UP or MP based institutes only from ITI pass candidates interested in NCL Apprentice Recruitment 2023 Online application can apply before 15 October 2023. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply NCL Apprentice job opening at official website

Post:Trade Apprentices

Vacancy :Electronic Mechanic 13 
Fitter 543 
Electrician 370 
Welder 155 
Motor Mechanic 47 
Auto Electrician 12 
Total 1140

Age :18 to 26 Years

Pay scale :Rs.7700 – 8050/- (Per Month)
ITI Welder,Electrician,Fitter,Electronic Mechanic,Motor Mechanic and Auto Electrician Jobs in Northern Coalfields Limited

Trade Apprentices Qualification & experience :

10th and ITI in Welder/Electrician/Fitter/Electronic Mechanic/Motor Mechanic/Auto Electrician Trade.

Trade Apprentices Selection Process : 

The Selection Process will be based on Merit.

Important Dates for Trade Apprentices Recruitment:  

Starting Date for Submission of Online Application 05 October 2023 

Last Date for Submission Of Online Application 15 October 2023

Important Links

Click here for Apply Online

Click here for Official Notification
