Junior Technician Jobs in Kerala Minerals and Metals LTD


Junior Technician Jobs in Kerala Minerals and Metals LTD

Kerala Minerals and Metals LTD
Government of  Kerala
Invites applications for the post of Junior Technician

Nurse job description:

Kerala Minerals and Metals LTD Department under the  Government of   Kerala  recruiting Junior Technician  in the month of November 2020,The application can submit before 19/11/2020  .There are 13 Junior  Technician Vacancies.  The minimum qualification required for the Junior Technician  post is SSLC with ITI certificate  and the selection will be based on percentage of marks and the eligibility.

Post :Junior Technician 

Vacancy : 13

Pay scale :Rs. 21580/- 

Age : 26 years

Junior Technician Qualification & experience : 

SSLC with ITI certificate in the trade of Welder/Fitter

Junior Technician Selection Process : 

Selection will be based on  percentage of marks and the eligibility.

Note : Application in the format enclosed giving complete particulars regarding (i) name and address (ii) Age and Date of Birth (iii) Qualification indicating the class & the total % of marks obtained (iv) Details of previous training/ experience if any (v)Community certificate /and other relevant details in the prescribed format affixing the recent passport size photograph to reach ‘HEAD OF DEPARTMENT (P&A/L)’, The Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd, PB No.4, Sankaramangalam, Chavara, Kollam-691 583 on or before 19/11/2020 superscribing the envelope “Application for the post .............................................................................................” 

Important Dates for Junior Technician  Recruitment:   

Last date for submission of application : 03 November 2020
Last date for submission of application : 19 November 2020

Click here for official notification.

Junior Technician Jobs in Kerala Minerals and Metals LTD
Junior Technician Jobs in Kerala Minerals and Metals LTD
