ITI Certificate in Electrical Trade or Wireman Jobs in Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited

ITI Certificate in Electrical Trade or Wireman Jobs in Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited  

Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited Department under the   Government of India   Recruiting  Skilled/Unskilled manpower   in the month of September 2020, The application can submit  before  20/10/2020. There are 1500 Skilled/Unskilled manpower Vacancies.The minimum qualification required for the Skilled/Unskilled manpower post is  ITI Certificate in Electrical Trade or Wireman and the Selection will be based on  Merit Test /Written Test or Group Discussion or on Power-Point Presentation (PPT) about Electricity Distribution Lines/Sub-stations.

Post :Skilled/Unskilled manpower


Pay scale : Rs. 15000/-

Qualification & experience: ITI Certificate in Electrical Trade or Wireman as recognized by NCVT or SCVT or higher technical degree diploma in engineering,TG-2 And or with shall possess Overhead Certificate for Electrical Safety. With at least two years’ experience in Electricals.
Selection Process :Selection will be based on  Merit Test /Written Test or Group Discussion or on Power-Point Presentation (PPT) about Electricity Distribution Lines/Sub-stations.

Starting Date for submission of online application  05 October 2020

Last Date for submission of online application  20 October 2020

Click here for apply online.

Click here for official notification.

ITI (Electrical/Wireman)Jobs in  Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited
ITI (Electrical/Wireman)Jobs in  Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited 
